Spiritual Essence of Man
A Unique and Powerful Spiritual Workshop to Experience the Divine Essence within Your Chakras and Energy Bodies. You will be empowered with deeper knowledge and practices once divulged only to inner disciples of Egyptian and Indian Mystery Schools!
- Learn Krishna’s Teachings on the Inverted Tree of Life and the Upanishad’s Tree of Eternity
- Never before publicly revealed correspondences of the Spiritual Anatomy (chakras and auras) in the traditions of Taoism, Christianity, Kabbalah, Sanskrit, Acupuncture, and Egyptian Mystery Schools.
- Secrets of the “Triple Cross” and how it can activate your chakras and energize your subtle bodies.
- Use of the Keter Sephira for Spiritual Healings
- Direct correspondence of the Lord’s Prayer in the Kabbalistic and Egyptian Tree of Life.
- Practice the “I AM” Meditation on your Pineal Gland!
- Discover your Buddha Nature & Spiritual Fetus and Experience the Divine Essence within you.