Pranic Psychotherapy
This is an excellent course for those who would like to excel in the field of psychotherapy. The understanding and application of Advanced Pranic Healing techniques in the alleviation and treatment of emotional, mental and psychological disorders are presented in a simple, easy to follow format. The Pranic Psychotherapy course offers:
- Principles and methods to identify, cleanse and disintegrate psychic energies and influences in the energy field that cause stress, irritability, anxiety, grief, hysteria, phobias, obsessions, compulsions, addictions, depression, violence, paranoia and other psychological problems.
- Techniques to treat sexual problems and “spiritual possessions.”
- Pranic Psychotherapy methods for the prevention of psychological ailments and for healing by affirmation.
- Techniques to shield the patient’s aura and energy centers.
- Techniques for decontamination of the healer, objects and environment.